At EVC Property Management, we are making every effort to stay up to date and respond to the latest advice from Government, Public Health England and the Chief Medical Officer, but wherever possible we also wish to continue to offer services which play a role in your community and provide the support that our clients need.
We will ensure that anyone involved with our business understands their individual responsibilities and are not afraid to alert us to any developments in their personal circumstances.
Every morning we will consider any potential concerns or hazards.
As always, we will keep clear records of all conversations that may affect service throughout the period of disruption.
We will communicate with our clients to ensure that they know that our business continues to operate.
We ask that tenants and landlords in properties we manage consider alerting us if they are self-isolating so that we can provide reasonable information to contractors in relation to the infection and appropriate cleaning measures to take.
We may offer to show properties via video call or recorded film.
We will make reasonable, regular checks before allowing landlords or vendors to carry out or host viewings. This will include asking if they have returned from an impacted area, have a high temperature or a recent dry cough or have had any contact with anyone with symptoms.
The same questions will be asked of applicants who wish to view premises.
We will check the standard of cleaning between tenancies.
We will postpone inspections where possible and consider whether it is absolutely necessary to deploy a contractor. We will ask tenants and contractors whether they have a high temperature or a recent dry cough or have had any contact with anyone with symptoms.
We are currently working from home with complete access to software and email. We have appropriate tracked access to property keys and can make payments to suppliers and landlords, HMRC etc.
We will continue to liaise with suppliers and contractors so that both parties understand the possible and likely impact of disruption.