What is property management ?
The managing agent and property manager should always act within the scope of their competence.
I am the director at EVC Property Management. I have 16 years of experience in managing both commercial and residential property, in terms of individual commercial units, flats and houses and also blocks of flats, housing sites, mixed commercial and residential sites and also commercial sites with multiple units. I have a degree in Estate Management which I undertook with the College of Estate Management. The degree is an RICS approved qualification. I am an associate member of the RICS, a fellow or ARLA Propertymark and a member of the IRPM. These qualifications are important to me as they demonstrate to you, my competence to act on your behalf and ensure you and your property are in safe hands.
In undertaking a management function EVC Property Management Ltd must comply with the law and observe the terms of the lease. We need to be open and transparent and this is of utmost importance to me.
Some duties are common to all the different types of management and I have listed these below (this list is not exhaustive).
- Responding to reasonable requests from leaseholders for information relevant to the property.
- Communications by whatever means are appropriate to reach the intended recipients.
- Keeping accurate records in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection.
- Dealing with applications for consent e.g. written permissions.
- Inspecting the premises regularly having regard to the nature of the property and complexity of the facilities.
- Complying with health and safety requirements.
- Assisting with the procurement of insurance.
- Undertaking regular CPD to remain informed of developments in the law and regulations affecting property management.
- Consultation with leaseholders in accordance with the law, for example S.20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended).
- Dealing with complaints and disputes.
- Accounting for service charges.
- Preparation of budgets estimating expenditure for the forthcoming year.
- Administering bank accounts.
- Dealing with service charge or rent arrears.
- Collecting Ground Rent
- Handling surpluses and deficits.
- Arranging repairs, servicing and maintenance.
- Planning cyclical works with external advisors.
- Maintaining an approved contractors list